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How to take care of your jewellery

A blog by Makeitup - The Agency

23. October 2017

Wearing jewellery is such a quick way to update your outfit. It makes your look appear more complete and even if it’s just a subtle pair of earrings they will add just the right feminine touch. I recently decided that I would like start wearing more jewellery and scrambling through my jewellery box I realized that my little treasures have seen better days.

How to take care of your jewellery - ID14111_00.jpg?v=1566310424I stepped into the Swarovski store in Bern a few weeks ago and while I was there I took the chance to ask them about how you should take care of your gold and silver jewellery to keep it looking it’s best. I got some really good advice that I would like to share with you:

1. Store your jewellery at a cool and dry space preferable in its original box or a silk pouch to protect it from damage. (Hint: avoid hot window-sills, damp bathrooms or packed jewellery boxes.)

2. Polish your jewellery occasionally with a soft, lint-free polishing cloth for it to keep its original sheen and to avoid tarnish from building up.

3. Always remove your jewellery before you take a shower or bath, do sport activities, clean the apartment or go to bed.

4. If your jewellery is really stained you could use a soft, damp tooth brush with a white, non-gel tooth paste and scrub it lightly. Always dry your jewellery immediately after cleaning.

5. Make sure to always put your jewellery on last, after using body-lotion, perfume or hairspray. The chemicals can damage your jewellery if you’re not careful.

Have fun taking care of those little treasures of yours!


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