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Wolle pflege

A blog by Makeitup - The Agency

25. September 2019

On those cold fall days, you might want to start investing in some soft and comforting wool sweaters to keep you warm. But how do you make sure your pretty new wool jumper stays looking clean and in shape for years to come? Here are a few hot tips on how to take care of your new wool garment:


Always make sure to follow the label washing instructions. Sometimes dry cleaning is in order. When you’re using a washing machine; turn your clothing inside out and choose the wool program. Use a laundry detergent specifically approved for wool materials.

2. DRY

Always dry your wool clothing vertically. If you hang your wool jumper on a hanger or a drying rack it might loose its original shape. In case the garment is very wet after the wash you can carefully roll it into a towel and squeeze out excess water.


Wool clothing is naturally wrinkle resistant. But if you do want to get rid of wrinkles and folds in your garment you can hang it in your bathroom after taking your morning shower. The steam works wonders! You can also use a steamer or choose the wool setting on your iron. Again, always follow the label instructions in your garment.


Wool is a popular material amongst clothes moths and it’s important to store your wool clothing carefully to avoid moth infestation. Always make sure to remove food stains or body oils from your garment before putting it away. Place it in an airtight bag or container. Using moth balls or cedar ships is a great way to repel insects. Moths don’t like movement and light so make sure to take your clothes out of the wardrobe every now and then, shake them well and let them air in bright day-light. Vacuum and clean out cupboards and closets on a regular basis.

That’s it! Stay warm and enjoy the colder season in your cozy wool clothing.

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